
Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope to provide interesting topics to discuss and explore. This is a compilation of articles, journals, photographs, and personal anecdotes pertaining to my interests: cultural anthropology, neurosurgery, medicine, and International medical outreach. I am fascinated by people and medicine, which is why I love what I do. Throughout my career as a neurosurgeon I have had the pleasure of meeting people from around the world; I'm eager to share my experiences, lessons, and medical adventures with you. I welcome your thoughtful feedback, enjoy!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Constant Improvement - There Is No "i" In Neurosurgeon.

I found this article (by Boston Surgeon Atul Gawande) in the October 3rd issue of The New Yorker very interesting: Personal Best .  It's a great read by a truly talented surgeon exploring the idea of a Surgeon Coach; the importance of striving to constantly improve professionally and personally.  This concept applies to any profession.

The concept of a Surgical Coach reminded me of the unique team dynamic in my office, La Jolla Neurosurgical Associates, AMC.  The concept of grouping Specialists such as a Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, Pain Management Doctor, Neuroradiologist and Radiologist in the same practice encourages constant peer coaching. 

Importance of Researching Your Neurosurgeon

I came across this article: Taking Double Cut, Surgeons Implant Their Own Devices , in the October 8-9, 2011 issue of The Wall Street Journal regarding the shocking reality behind unethical Surgeons. 

I am sharing this article to educate patients ever regarding the importance of carefully selecting one's Neurosurgeon (or any Surgeon for that matter).  Ethics and morals are two things I do not compromise, in fact I make it a point to surround myself with similar Doctors. 
The most frustrating piece to me, is the fact that the surgeons in this article jeopardize the integrity of Neurosurgeons as a whole.  It is critical as a patient, as a patients family or friend, to thoroughly research potential Neurosurgeons and explore his/her credentials, history and professional affiliations.  Knowledge is power and it is critical to complete one's due diligence when researching surgeons.